Friday, May 1, 2009

eBay Deals

I have recently been a bidding machine on eBay. When we received our tax return, I mentioned to Dan that we really needed a new vacuum cleaner. While ours was only 4 years old or so, the noise it makes is not quite right and it is louder than any vacuum...ever. So we discussed it. I really wanted a Dyson, because let's face it, who doesn't. They are waaaaaaay too expensive....but Dan was in a good mood and decided we (I) could get one. Well....the penny pinching, bargain hunting, thrift shopper in me could not pay that price for a measly vacuum. So instead, I decided to use the amount that I would have spent on the Dyson to but several things I have been wanting, to include a Dyson.
So here are the fruits of my labors.
I am finally the owner of my very own iPod. And the little shuffle is Jaquelyn's.

After many bids and more than one win,(the first winning bid was stolen before the person could send it out to me) I am the proud owner of a slightly used Britax Decathlon car seat. I am so excited to have Rebecca in a 5-point harness until 65 pounds. Please spare the lectures on buying used car seats. I have heard them all and probably given them too. There is no way I could ever afford a new one and I desperately wanted Rebecca buckled past 40 pounds. Anyhoo....

And finally, the piece de resistance....the beloved Dyson. I was super excited when it came in the mail. I pulled out the millions of miles of bubble wrap and set about to put it together. Ok....test run. Um, it's supposed to pick up dirt and specks, right? Well, I'm sure it's something minor, let's take a look at the troubleshooting page from the manual online. Oh, easy fix, the belt is not attached to the spinning brush. OMG what is that awful racket?!?!? Ok, still no problem, just a quick email to the seller and they will tell me some silly thing I am doing wrong, right? Nope, they don't know what the problem is. I now have to send it back and try to win another one. sniff, sniff. What a bummer. Well here are the pictures of it anyhow. It's all boxed up ready to go back to Fedex now.

So now I am once again haunting eBay for any Dyson that is within my price range...which is very low since I include shipping in my price range.


Heidi said...

Great Ebay buys.. enjoy the Ipod & Dyson. Two of my favorite items.

heidi @ ggip said...

What a bummer about the Dyson. I'm glad the other things worked out though!

He & Me + 3 said...

Great items...sorry about the vacuum. That totally stinks. I hope that you are able to find one even better for cheaper. Happy bidding.

Heidi said...

EBay (generally) is pretty sweet.

Jen @ said...

What great deals. I love ebay. You can find the greatest stuff there. Goood job!

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


Saniya said...

Great stuffs...... car seat is really wonderful and i would like to browse sears for one of the same.