Saturday, October 17, 2009

I Love Pictures!

I was at a loss for posting ideas so decided to rerun an old post from back when I didn't actually have any readers.

Here is a really cool idea that I borrowed from my Mom. We all love pictures of our kids, right? Well you can only put up so many with frames. And then you have so many holes in your wall and if you happen to rent like we do it is a major pain when you leave to fix them all. (Although this time I invested in those cool 3M hooks that don't leave any marks on your walls....they work for the most part but aren't perfect every time.) I do still have some framed pictures on the wall...mostly ones from Sears and quite a few on the table in front of the wall as you can see by the pic.

Soooooo the perfect solution?? Put up a collage of pictures of your kids all over a section of wall with blue painters tape. It is really cool and so much fun. I love looking at it and noticing pictures that I haven't looked at for awhile. It is up to you how you do it. I trimmed a lot of my pictures so that I could get just the part of the picture I really wanted to see, but there are some that are still whole so they aren't ruined. Then just start arranging them on your wall, mixing them all up time wise.
It is a big hit when guests come over. Especially if you happen to have a picture of them up somewhere. Challenge them to find it. I will say that Teresa dubbed it the "Wall of Weirdos" but that is to be expected from the teen aged girls who are totally embarrassed when their friends come over and check out baby pictures of them.


He & Me + 3 said...

I should totally do that...I have so many pictures. Very cool. Cracking up at what your daughter said...

Orah said...

So much fun - like "Where's Waldo" only family style. How nice.

Bridget said...

Love the collage idea!

heidi said...

Very nice!! People always say "You don't like your kids or anything" when they come in our house because I have pictures of them everywhere.