Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Here Is My First Blog Award

Ok, I was given an award for the first time today. It was another Heidi, of course, who else would it be, we're the best. Anyhow, I now have to figure out how to do the whole thing and more importantly, figure out who to chose to pass it along to since I only know a few bloggers. I am not really sure that it fits since it is Kreativ Blogger Award and I don't really think that quite fits my blog (seriously my blog design is just one of the generic ones you pick from when you first start a blog). But here goes nothing....

I have to list 6 things I love to earn the award. I am sure that I will probably think of something afterwards that I can't believe I forgot. It's hard to think of 6 random things I love....I can think of sooooo many more.
Here they random order....(I am excluding the obvious ones, my whole family....hmmm that would probably cover all of them.)

1. I love to read. I do it all the time even though I have 4 kids I am trying to keep up with. I especially love books that are series. Two of my favorites are the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanavich and the Kinsey Millhone series by Sue Grafton. And I never get rid of them. We have boxes and boxes of books.

2. Trident sugarless gum - original flavor. It is so yummy and keeps it's flavor for sooooo long. I am horribly addicted to gum chewing. I always feel like my breath is bad so I always have a piece of gum in my mouth.

3. Vanilla Ice Cream. I really, really, really love vanilla. Just plain vanilla, no french vanilla, no vanilla bean. Plain vanilla.

4. Pictures. Especially professional ones. I adore pictures of my kids and they are all over my house. We go to Sears for pictures at least twice a year, more often if I can convince my husband. If you want to see what I mean you can check out this post... One of these days someone has to show me how I can change the title of the html like everyone else does.

5. Harry Potter. I know it may seem juvenile but I am such a big Harry Potter fan. The books were sooooooo good. I can tolerate the movies, but just barely. I know the books offend some people but everything offends someone. I read the last one in less than 10 hours. When I walked in from the store, I told everyone to leave me alone and read until 4 am.

6. I am going to copy one of Heidi's for my last one. I love big families. I was an only child while I was growing up and I used to want a brother or sister so much. I did finally get one at 18 but it wasn't quite the same as growing up together. I always wanted a big family and felt the Brady Bunch was just the right number but I am happy with our four. I have to pick 6 people to give this award to. I seriously don't know 6 people in the blog world well enough to do this. And Heidi @ took the Heidi's that I have exchanged comments with. I guess I will start with these two for now but I will try to come up with some more soon.

1. Jennisa at

2. Jennifer at

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh my you are great!! Two awards that close together, I'm really feeling the bloggy love! Thank you so much Heidi!